when the impossible becomes possible.
It's always so difficult to start...
This is my very first post in this blog. Whoever you are, feel yourself at home here! As a student of Spanish Philology I won't be very original to say that I'm going to write about travelling, learning foreign language curiosities (especially of Spanish and English, but occasionally I will mention something about Portuguese) and my discoveries of original and worth visiting places in my home city, PoznaĆ.
To start with, I'm going to share with you the experience that changed my way of seeing the world.
I'm sure that everyone of us had any dream in his life that always postponed, waiting until having enough time, enough money, waiting to the perfect moment to do so. Well, I always thought that I'll make my dream about going to Africa when I have thirty years old, with a well-paid job and a possibility to help other people on different continent.
But life brings surprises.
After graduating from high school, I had an opportunity to go with my four friends from the voluntary organization in which we were involved, to go to the Father Bash Foundation in Mbarara, Uganda. We worked in the hospital and in the orphanage since July to September, trying to bring a little love to those children, although in fact, they gave us even more than we imagined. There were many very difficult moments, because being with people with totally different mentality than ours is always a great challenge. Yeah, every Ugandan thought that "white" people are the rich ones, so every time we were crossing the streets or so, they asked us for dollars... But overall - I will never regret going there and I hope I will come back there to see the children growing.
This journey helped me to appreciate the little things in life, things that are not available for everyone. I feel very grateful that I have a possibility to study.
Let the pictures speak.

To start with, I'm going to share with you the experience that changed my way of seeing the world.
I'm sure that everyone of us had any dream in his life that always postponed, waiting until having enough time, enough money, waiting to the perfect moment to do so. Well, I always thought that I'll make my dream about going to Africa when I have thirty years old, with a well-paid job and a possibility to help other people on different continent.
But life brings surprises.
After graduating from high school, I had an opportunity to go with my four friends from the voluntary organization in which we were involved, to go to the Father Bash Foundation in Mbarara, Uganda. We worked in the hospital and in the orphanage since July to September, trying to bring a little love to those children, although in fact, they gave us even more than we imagined. There were many very difficult moments, because being with people with totally different mentality than ours is always a great challenge. Yeah, every Ugandan thought that "white" people are the rich ones, so every time we were crossing the streets or so, they asked us for dollars... But overall - I will never regret going there and I hope I will come back there to see the children growing.
This journey helped me to appreciate the little things in life, things that are not available for everyone. I feel very grateful that I have a possibility to study.
Let the pictures speak.

Incredible! I'd love to learn even more about it and see more photos. So inspiring!